Friday, April 3, 2009

Car Crash

Sooooooooooooooo... I was in my first car accident. Yeah. It was really scary.
Here's the I was on my way to work, driving the Boo Radley truck because my dad needed the Camry. I noticed that I was out of gas so I took the quickest route to a gas station I put it in park as fast as I can to start it, with a line of cars behind me, IT STARTS! goes until the next light and stops. I try my hardest to get it started but nothing. Reaching for the door handle about to get out and push it to the side, I noticed a huge black SUV coming at me crazy fast. I frantically try to get my truck started watching him barrel towards me then BOOM! He hits me. Literally bounces off me. the front right of his shiny suv practically gutted from the steel curved corner of that crapass truck. Luckily neither one of us was hurt. He came away with a ticket for hitting me from behind and a trashed fortune. I came away with a ticket for not having a license and for not being insured (thanks dad) and the corner for the truck smashed in.

It was scary. I cried.
Ho hum pigs bum

Now I have to go to court to try to get the ticket fines lowered. yay!
Oh did you catch that, i've been driving how long? I finally get a ticket for driving without a license and it wasn't even my fault!!!!! fml.

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